
banyak semoga untuk kita

hai teman frasa. rasanya sudah lama tidak saling sapa ya.  kita pernah menghabiskan waktu untuk menebak-nebak hidup. kita pernah duduk di tempat luas yang lapang untuk menerka-nerka kisah apa ya yang akan terjadi selanjutnya. kita pernah mengira-ngira jalan mana lagi yang akan jadi persimpangan dan pos berhenti. banyak harap yang tumbuh mekar berhamburan pada dunia kamu dan mungkin kita yang akhir-akhir kemarin sering banyak keresahan. dunia yang nyala padam di tengah lalu lalang banyak orang.  katamu, kita bukan pusat semesta, maka tidak ada yang berkewajiban senantiasa mengerti pelik isi kepala dan ruam jiwa yang membiru. kita berulang kali menyampaikan semoga di antara kata mudah-mudahan. semacam semoga kita sampai meski jalannya sangat jauh. semoga kita terus tabah meski seluruh kita sama-sama baru menjadi manusia dewasa pertama kalinya. di antara kosakata kacau dan jalan buntu, kita terus berusaha mencari pintu terbuka untuk berdiri, sekali lagi.  kita pe...

It's About Blessings

Someday I read a book and while recording myself talking about something like this: 

"I think blessings are not only the good fortunes that we suddenly get out of the blue. The courage to pray about it, the determination to have it, and the effort to get there are already parts of the blessing. Because if we only had the idea without doing anything about it, nothing would happen."

Good fortune could just come out of the blue, but very rarely. Most of the time, we have already made our way to it--with or without us realizing it. However, the issue is that sometimes we don't even dare to move, or even dare to dream about it. 

I think most people have been through a moment when they have faced failures and dead ends that lead them to become hopeless. It requires time to accept. It is better to stop for a while and work on the difficult feelings rather than have to go through an unending denial and confusion that will bring about nothing. This is easier said than done, because I am experiencing this myself, and I am still working on that.

But, hey, even in the darkest of days, blessings can be found around us. As simple as little things that keep us alive. Why not focus on them? Well, simply because it is easier to not do that, I got it. It is easier to dwell in negative thoughts in a world that, we assume, keeps failing us. But do you want to spiral into even darker thoughts? Certainly not. So let's make an effort, no matter how small, it counts. It only needs a little light to dispel the pitch dark. 

I remember someone said that what he liked about how I think is that I could almost always see the brighter side of something. I never realized that, but that might be true. And he didn't even realize that what he pointed out is only the brighter side of me. Maybe I can learn from that statement.

See the good in everything you have and get. It is not naive because deep inside, we may know the worst about it, but we only point out the best. Keep doing that and good things will amplify, because then you will have a greater heart and because gratefulness is contagious as how negativity is. 

And 'remember' when Allah proclaimed 
"If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more."

Let's keep that in our mind 😊✨



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